American Political Science Association: Drop the § 129a charges

The urban section of the American Political Science Association (worldwide membership: over 15.000) passed a resolution to condemn the charges against Andrej and the others. After passing the resolution the urban section was assured that the larger association will discuss the matter and take further action, see the letter below:

Centre for Urban and Community Studies
University of Toronto

5 September, 2007

Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof
c/o Ermittlungsrichter Hebenstreit
Herrenstrasse 45
D-76 133 Karlsruhe

Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof
Brauerstrasse 3
D-76 137 Karsruhe
Fax0114921 8191492


I represent the Urban Section of the American Political Science Association, an organization with a worldwide membership of over 15,000. The Urban Section, which has a membership of 400, met on 30 August, 2007 in Chicago. At this meeting, the Section had a lengthy discussion of the situation of Dr. Andrej H. and other German scholars and researchers recently charged under section 129a of the German penal code.

We are very distressed by this situation. The meeting passed the following resolution, which I hope you will seriously consider:

"The Urban Politics Section of the American Political Science Association categorically rejects the use by governments or their agents of scholarly concepts, writings, or field research contacts as the basis upon which to monitor, detain, or incarcerate social science scholars and researchers. It condemns the use of social science scholarship, concepts, and research contacts to generate criminal suspicion or accusation as a gross violation of the principle of academic freedom and the integrity of scientific practice.''

After passing this resolution, we were assured by the larger Association that they are going to discuss the matter and take further action.

Yours very truly,
Richard E. Stren, Ph.D (Emeritus Professor of Political Science) President
Urban Section, American Political Science Association
455 Spadina Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2G8
Fax 416-978-7162